Kaj pa zdaj?
Po dveh dneh in dveh letalih, evo me tukaj, v Kangalu, geografsko nekje v sredini Turčije, sredi ničesar samo goli hribi in pšenična polja.
Takoj sem dobil občutek, da tukaj nekako živijo na svojem otočku ali oblaku glede na njihovo nadmorsko višino 1650 m, stran od ostale civilizacije. Vse mestno ali raje vaško življenje se dogaja v njihovi glavni ulici. Vsi čepijo pred vrati, kot bi čakali, da mine dan, verjetno zaradi Ramazana...
Zaenkrat se še privajam na vabilo na molitev, 5x dnevno po zvočnikih iz đamije tako, da se sliši čez cele njihove poljane.
Tudi na v burko zavite ženske se še moram privadit, se kar čuti malo kulturnega šoka...
Many times in my company I was told: "Elvis you are going to Turkey", but I was thinkig, ehhh I'll probably never go. And what now? After two days and two flights, ou-yeah I was there, in Kangal, geograficali in the middle of Turkey in the midle of nothing only bare hills and wheat fields. Instantly I've got a feeling they are living on theirs cloud (1650 m above sea level ), far away from the other civilization.
All the movement is taking place on the main street where are all shops, lokantas and tea houses. A lot of people are sitting in front their stores and just waiting to pass the time or to the dusk because of the Ramadan period.
Huh, I had to get used to their prayer invitation calling from the mosque 5 times a day which is echoing allover fields.
I have to admit I 've been experiencing a little of cultural shock, women are covered, people are drinking çay...
Ni veselja brez satelita
No satelite no fun
No satelite no fun
Naša priljubljena lokanda
Ko bom velik bom vozil " araba"
Ne razumem zakaj sploh vgrajujejo varnostne pasove v avtomobile za Kangalsko tržišče, saj jih nihče ne uporablja vključno s policijo in z nami.
I can't relly understand why car producers are mounting seat belts in car which are ment for turkish mrket, no one is using them, neither the police, neither us.
I can't relly understand why car producers are mounting seat belts in car which are ment for turkish mrket, no one is using them, neither the police, neither us.
Naš Kangalac
Kangalska pesina
Ne otresaj tapetu po meni, majmune jedan (to sem razbral iz konteksta)
Eski Arkadaş
Razprodaje -40%
Discount -40%
Discount -40%
Zagotovo pa zmaga Mel Gibson na TV in useka : "İyi akşamlar" (Dober večer) , se pogledamo, pa vidi Mel raztura turški ;)
But the winner was surely Mel Gibson on the TV when saying: "İyi akşamlar" (good evening) then we look our selves and laughing: "Look, Mel has mastered Turkish"