četrtek, 29. marec 2012
Na volitvah
Kaj pa je zdaj to, a do 10 ne znamo štet? Ali je morda kdo šprical cel prvi razred, aja takrat smo se učili že do 20.
nedelja, 18. marec 2012
Still Turkey
Mogoče ga kupimo, saj je le pičlih 3000TL lir (1275 €)
Maybe we buy it, the price is only 3000TL cca 1275€, it's an offer you can't refuse.
Kaj je to?... ?... ključ proti alarmu za neprivezan pas, očitno se dobi kar dva zraven avtomobila. Sploh ne razumem zakaj vgradit alarm v avto, če je za turški trg ;)
What is this?... ?... This is a key to get quiet your seat belt alarm.
A bi več?
Do you want more?
...even more?
We have more.
Zakaj bi hodili na smučišča, če gremo lahko delat v postajo Candogan.
Why go to a ski resort if you can go to work to Candogan station, the effect is the same a lot of sun and snow.
You buy handkerchiefs and you get a free photo.
"Listen to me. The number is 056...920. Did you get it? If no, copy from here." OneSnowNote
Počaki malo, kak Kentucky, a nismo v Turčiji?
Wait a minute, aren't we in Turkey?
ATM Street...
I haven't seen this since we get cell phones in circulation.
Can I pay with a card?
Tires, guys tires.
Napolnite me, prosim.
Mi facci il pieno per piacere.
Full please.
In ko se ustavi, malo porinemo. (moji študenti)
When it stops, we have to push it. (my students)
We couldn't stand not to buy Müdür, for our coworker.
Včasih smo tudi mi nevarni.
Sometimes we are dangerous.
In the station is nothing eatable, I guess this is a gipsy mouse trying to steal cooper wires.
Jaki tok
High Current
Oil Freezer
Oil Freezer
Foto: Primož
torek, 6. marec 2012
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