sreda, 26. avgust 2009

Motorfest Orel

To NI delo!!! It na motozbor z avtom. Samo kaj, ko ni za motor in so ti zbori tako zabavni.
No sej če vidiš enega si videl vse, kup motorjev, 95% ljudi je oblečenih v črno usnje, šanki so polni, "roštilj laufa", Rock'n'roll
10x v večeru slišiš Born to be wild, striptiz, kurit gume, skratka dogaja...

V tem postu nisem pretiraval s fotkami motorjev, ker če jih slikaš v temi s flashom, je isto, kot če režeš pršut na centi debele rezine.
Še zmeraj je pršut, samo...

Moto In The Dark

Prve skupine nisem poznal, govorili so špansko, in preigravali podobno kot Rage against the machine.
V redu za slišat, se ne pritožujem.

The Longest Dread

I Give You The Power

What Does This Button Do?

Don't Step On My Beer

The Loud Speaker Is Burning Out



Like Slash

Igrali so nam ACDC Cover Band, svoj posel dobro obvladajo, čeprav se mi zdi preigravanje skladb samo enega benda škoda potenciala.
Pa tudi možnosti za kreativnost s pisanjem novih avtorski skladb tudi pade v vodo...

The Biggest Fan


Poslušam pevca super poje, nakar se mi porodi vprašanje 'Kaj si ne uničiš glasilk če poješ TAKO?'
Brian Johnson tako hrabro poje že zadnjih 29 let z ACDC-ji, očitno se da. V nekaj sem prepričan, da jaz tega za gotovo ne bom preizkušal.

Let's Rockin

Vrhunec večera, Striptiz. To da lahko nudle slikaš, se ti ne zgodi vsak dan, in ravno ko padem v element se ti najde super heroj, zaščitnik striptizet,
in mi začne nagovarjat, da ne smem slikat (naj omenim, da so vsi imeli fotoaparate v rokah). Pa kaj ravno mene je našel za mi težit, kot vedno...

Ne razumem pa fanta od striptizete. OK, da si liberalen sam pa, da pustiš svoji ženski bit striptizeta :o

Verjetni sta dve opciji:
-da ji je manager in pobira provizijo od businessa
-ali da je tako dobra duša, da jo deli z ostalimi(v kar močno dvomim).

Too Sexy For Your Camera
Lahko pa sem le jaz staromoden in pakiran v škatlo iz starih vzorcev.

Kot zadnji, ki sem jih opazil so igrali The Drinkers. Z njihovo glasbo me niso prepričali, njihovi alkohola polni komadi se mi zdijo že preč od obrabe...
V tistem trenutku me je veliko bolj prepričal žar mojster, ko mi je pekel porcijo perutničk.

Zdaj je moja potreba po motozborih potešena vsaj za 2 leti...

ponedeljek, 24. avgust 2009

GNZ 09

Kot že nekaj let smo tudi letos imeli v Prešnici Glasnost (ne) znanih. Ker sem se šele zdaj spomnil, so fotke z malo zamude.


K Sound XXX

The Boss


No comment.



K Sound XXX

Trlo se je folka v prvi vrsti, da bi jo videli...

Black Cat našo autohtono Preščanko :)

Bass out of focus

GNZ rula plac. Se vidimo drugo leto...

torek, 18. avgust 2009

Ahalazija / Achalasia cardiae

V marcu 2007 sem začel počasi opažat, da je nekaj narobe z mojim požiranjem. Ker nič ni bolelo in ker nikjer se nič ni poznalo, mi je bilo najtežje priznat ali je res nekaj narobe z mano ali je vse v glavi.
Po 2 mesecih nisem mogel več normalno požirati. Zraven vsake hrane sem spil ogromno vode, da sem jo spravil dol, vsak grižljaj je naporen. Ponoči nisem mogel spati zaradi refluksa in zatekanja hrane v požiralnik, usta, nos...
Spal sem v zelo podloženem položaju skoraj polsedečem. Odpravil sem se do splošne zdravnice, predvidevala je, da imam refluks in mi predpisala ortanol poskusno za 2 tedna(zaviralec kisline).Žal mi ni pomagal...

Z zdravnico sva ugotovila, da moram na gastroskopijo, strah pred tem pregledom je čisto opravičen, meni je bilo zelo naporno. Zravnica(že zdavnaj za v penzijo) mi je rekla, naj po posegu pijem mrzlo vodo. Šele potem mi je omenila, da sem nekaj krvavel iz požiralnika(ma nemoj).
Gastroskopija ne pokaže napačneha delovanja požiralnikaka, zato me je napotila k njenem kolegu kirurgu M.B. ki me je poslal na RTG požiralnika.

Po RTG-ju je bilo jasno, da ne morem požirat in da sem zbolel za boeznijo ahalazija kardije, gre za to da zaklopka na vrhu želodca(kardia) se ne razširi ko ješ ampak, je skozi toga. Kirurg mi je priporočal laparaskopsko operacijo, saj naj bi bil dolgotrajen efekt, za razliko od pnevmatske dilatacije(balonček).

Septembra sem bil operiran v Medicorju v Izoli, in če sem iskren sem si mislil, da je to bolj "na easy" pa se je izkazalo, da je veliko bolj boleče(nekje 3 mesece za polno okrevanje). 24 ur po operaciji sem spet bil slikan na RTG a že takrat sem imel nekaj na sumu...
Kirurg M.B. mi naroči naj jem en mesec pasirano hrano... Navodil sem se striktno držal na pregledu sem potrdil napredek pri pitju tekočin na kar me je naročil čez 3 mesece.

V teh treh mesecih sem shujšal še za 5kg iz 67kg na 62kg glede na to, da sem visok 178cm bi lahko že promoviral shujševalne tablete in kreme :P
Ko sem bil spet na pregledu ne bom pozabil začudenega pogleda kirurga "A ni vredu?" ja glede na to da sem shiral verjetno NI.
Ugotovil sem, da sem bil prvi neuspeli pacient. Nato me je naročil takoj čez en teden na pnevmatsko dilatacijo v UKC LJ.
Prvo zboliš za bolezen, ki jo ima en na 100.000 in po vrhu so še dohtarji neuspešni, brez veze.

Potem sem imel dve pnevmatski dilataciji v kliničnem centru v razmaku kakega meseca. Zadeva mi je trajala dobro leto do 6.7.2009, ko sem se spet oglasil za poseg, zdaj že rutino(če ima kdo podobne težave mu po dilataciji zelo priporočam protikislinske tablete proti bolečinam). V zadnjih dveh letih sem bil 4 narkoziran, tako da sem se že navadil na občutek pred spanjem. Prvo čutiš malo vročice, potem mravljince po telesu in nato SPIŠ in upaš, da se boš spet zbudu :P

Zadnjič preden sem šel na zadnji poseg sem na TV zvedel, da je kirurg, ki mi je delal pnevmatsko dilatacijo, deklici 6x prebodel serce med operacijo iz malomarnosti, uboga je umrla njemu pa so odvzeli licenco za 4 mesece. Prvi kirurg je nekaj "zašuštrau" in potem se vprašam "Kam hudiča pa naj grem???"

No zdej sem pa v polni kondiciji 178cm/72kg, se ne pritožujem edino za drva žagat mi zmanjka še malo mišic :P
Če se mi bo spet poslabšalo, jim bom kar naročil, naj mi montirajo noter cevko iz INOXa φ20 pa rešeno...

To je moja izkušnja s tem hudičem, če ima kdo podobne težave mi lahko piše...

Achalasia cardiae

In March 2007 I noticed something was going wrong with my swallowing. Because it didn't hurt and nowhere wasn't nothing to see, it was hard for me to admit having a disease.

After two moths I couldn't swallow normally any more. With every meal I had to drink a lot of water, every bite was a hard task. Sleeping was also a problem, because of the reflux.

I slept in half-sitting position to prevent the reflux. Then I went to the doctor, she thought that I have reflux and she prescribed me anti-acid pills for two weeks.

Unfortunately it didn't help.

With my doctor we accord that I had to go to a gastroscopy. I was frightened of it. Gastroscopy sucks! The doctor who made it looks like a grandma (she was ready for pension). She said to me: “Drink cold water.” After this, she mentioned I was bleeding from my esophagus :S

The gastroscopy didn't reveal any esophageal malfunctions, then they sent me to X-Ray scan of esophagus.

The X-Ray revealed that I have a rare disease called achalasia cardiae. It is a malfunction of the valve at the lower end of the esophagus. The surgeon recommended me to have a laparoscopic surgery instead of the less invasive operation, balloon dilatation.

In September I had the operations and if I'm honest I thought it should be nothing special but it turned out to be much more painful (I need 3 months for full recovery). 24 hours after the operation I had an X-Ray of my esophagus and instantly I was suspicious.

The surgeon told me to eat only soft mixed food for one month. I followed his instructions (directives) and I confirmed that was a little improvement while drinking fluids. Then he told me to come after three weeks.

In the next three weeks I loose additional 5 kilos from 67 kg to 62 kg. I'm 178 cm tall and with that weight I could easily do commercials for anti weight pills or cremes.

I couldn't forget his look when I told him that I wasn't better. Considering that I was still losing weight it couldn't be better.

Then I found out that the operation wasn't successful on me, I was the first patient went wrong.

After this the doctor sent me on the light version operation, pneumatic dilatation.

First you get a disease which affect one person per 100.000, and then you find out that doctors didn't fixed you correctly, boring.

In a period ob two months I had the pneumatic dilatation twice and the last was good enough for a year. Then I had to have another time the operation, it was becoming almost a routine for me (if someone have the same problems, I recommend to take some anti-acid pills, it really reduces the pain after the operation). In the last two years I was four times narcotized, I totally get used to the feeling of narcosis. At the first you feel some tingling in the body and then you fall asleep as a baby. Before it you just hope to get awake after the operation is complete.

Last time while watching TV, I saw the doctor who performed the pneumatic dilatation on me, he was negligent and pierced 6 times the heart of a girl, soon after she died. After fact the license was taken from him for four months. OK, the first doctor didn't fix me well and the other is negligent, where to go?

Now I'm in a full condition with my 178 cm / 72 kg, my only complains are I haven't enough muscles for lumberjack-in.

If I get worse I'm going to ask doctors just to mount me an INOX pipe φ20.

This is my experience with this devil, if someone have the same trouble, just write to me.

petek, 14. avgust 2009


Evo, uspelo mi je obiskat to Grčijo. Ker nisem uspel it na maturantskega, in niti na absolventa, sem moral odpravit to frustracijo(saj vem, da ni isto...).
Strah, da bo letalo padlo dol, je bil odveč, sem misllil da je mnogo hujše. Let ni kaj dosti hujši od vožnje z avtobusom in imam občutek, da bom še veliko krat letel.
Upam pa da, ko bom naslednjič letel, da ne bom spet sedel pri krilu.

Prvi stik s tlemi mi ni bil ravno všeč. Iz klime prideš na 35°C in vse ožgano okoli tebe, zadnji dež je padal nekaj mesecev od tega, nakar se vprašam:" Kaj sem prišel sem delat?"
Drugi stik, ko greš čez IR kamero, kjer te gledajo če imaš vročino. Tri tete z masko čez usta, ti dajo vedet, da gripa je še aktivna in te prav ustraši (nimam nobene fotke baje da se ne sme fotografirat na letališču).

Za razliko od razglednic opaziš, da je otok poleti polpuščava. Morje in plaže pa so pristne.
Je pa res, da en otoček ki je 11km širok in 45km dolg in ima še enkrat več morja kot cela naša mama Slovenija, takrat pozabiš na puščavo in se greš namočit.

Piaggio skuter od izposojevalca Manolisa se je super obnesel, oba z mojo drago sva bila zelo navušena. Čeprav sem bolj oldschool in zagovornik APN4/APN6, moram kar pohvalit skuterje 75km/h z dvema potnikoma in poraba minimalna. Povejte mi, kej boš dobil 'štirko' v Grčiji.
Sam pa so bli časi s 'štirko'! Cel dan 'šraufu', da si prevozil 5km in pol garaže orodja sabo, super avspuhi od 'petke', vse v kromu, s 5 prestavo in neki helikopterju podobnega namesto karburatorja(frgazerja) pa še zmeri ni šlo več kot 70km/h :D

Moja odvisnost od kafeta, me je pripeljala do tega, da sem moral poskusit tudi njihov Greek Coffee. V bistvu je isto kot turška kava, samo da je bilo tako malo tekočega in sam 'zoc' v šalci za espresso. Moja draga je dobila vsaj malo tekočine, medtem ko jaz sem imel tako gosto kavo, da bi jo lahko prodajal za puding.
Živ užaš, in za to te oberejo za 2€ ali več. Capuccino - 2€, fanta 0,33 - 1,5€ mi še zmeraj ne gre v račun.

Isto so pobrali Turkom Kebap in ga prodajajo za Gyros, malo ga preoblečejo in stvar rešena
(enden je nekomu to ukradel lahko, da tudi obratno). Ne vem s kje je Tzatziki, meni je zakon v glavnem, moram zbrskat recept. Grška solata pa mi ni bila ravno čudež. Veliko boljša je solata iz Krete, a kaj ko je tudi tam kuhar pretiraval s feto, saj razumem, da je to vaš nacionalni čudež, samo ne je naložit toliko, da je je več kot zelenjave.
Na nihovo hrano bi se lahko kar navadil, vse je zelo okusno.

Šok vsekh šokov, dobiš dober hotel vse vredu, prižgeš TV, tipkaš po daljincu BBC, CNN,
Italia 1,... in na 16 šok TVS1 in Helena Blagne, ki prepeva na veliko z Nacetom Junkarejem. Sem se že ustrašil da bom mogel plačevat TV naročnino še v Grčiji.

Nekaj utrinkov naokoli po otoku.
Some photos all-around.

Moja poklicna deformiranost.
My professional deformation.

Moja boljša polovica.
My girlfriend.

Prilagojena signalizacija.
Adapted signalization.

Razgled iz Zie iz Sunset kafiča.
View from Zia Sunset café.

Stregel nama je ta zanimiv stric.
We were served by this interesting man.

Meni je bilo zakon, lahko mi je žal, da nisem šel že prej, zdaj pa novim destinacijam naproti!

Za več detajlov(extra fotk) KLIK
For more details (extra photos) KLIK

I did it, I visited Greece! Because I hadn’t gone to the high school journey, neither the
faculty journey, I just had to get rid of this frustration.

I must admit that I was afraid of flying, but normally the flight went OK. Flying on a plane is like traveling with the bus.
From now I have the feeling that I'm going to fly a lot and hope I'm not going to sit near the wing.

After landing, the first impression wasn't very promising. It is a big shock to come out from the air-conditioned plane and step in the 35°C overheated country.
The last rain was maybe months ago, so I just asked myself, “What are you doing here?” It was also fairly annoying that there was an IR camera on the airport where masked women were checking if we were contaminated with swine flu.

The main difference between the island and photos of it on postcard is that the island looks like a desert - certainly not the way it is shown on cards. But I have to admit, the sea and the beaches are wonderful.; you just have to love it! It is also true this small island only 11 km width and long only 45km has twice as much sea than our mom Slovenia.

Piaggio scooter that we rented from mister Manolis, did its job well.; my darling and I were very satisfied with it. I grew up with the Tomos APN4 so I was no big fan of scooters, but I have to change my perception of scooters after this experience. The top speed was 75 km/h with two passengers, which isn't bad. I remember the time when I have the APN4(Tomos) all day long screwing the motor bike just to ride 5 km, but it was such a fun. We were pimping the bike with all improvements, but it still didn’t reach a top speed higher than 70km/h.

My addiction to caffeine made me try their Greek coffee. It is almost the same as Turkish coffee, but in my case it was just coffee grounds in an espresso cup with a little liquid so dense they should sell it as pudding. That sucked, and for that they charged us 2€ and for a Fanta just 1,5€! I really can't get it...

The same thing is with Gyros. We couldn't see big differences between Gyros and Kebab; they seem to be stealing recipes from each other. No matter where is it from, however, Tzatziki is amazing, and I must find the recipe. I was not impressed by Greek salad; Crete's salad is much better. The only problem was that the chef put more feta cheese than salad in the plate. Yes, I know that Feta is your national miracle, but do not exaggerate! I must admit, however, that I could get used to their food, because everything is very tasteful.

It was very shocking when I was searching for channels on TV, BBC, CNN, Italia 1 and then TVS1 and Helena Blagne singing with Nace Junkar! I can't believe it, our two national singer heroes on television in Greece. Instantly I become afraid of being charged of our national TV tax while there...

This holiday trip was amazing. I regret not going there before. And now I’m ready for new destinations.